ePACT is a digital tool used by SDMHA to securely collect reliable and up-to-date information for all its players that can be accessed easily by the team Safety Person in cases of emergencies, big or small. This ensures better preparedness for all players of SDMHA. To see how ePACT works, please watch this video to learn about ePACT.
To be eligible to play, SDMHA players must provide emergency contact and medical information through ePACT. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to keep the team Safety Person advised of any change in emergency/medical information as soon as possible. In the event of a medical emergency and that no one can be contacted, team staff will arrange to take the injured player to the hospital or a physician if deemed necessary. The player emergency/medical information provided through ePACT will assist team staff advise medical personnel of critical information such as allergies or medical conditions.